

My research employs a combination of observational, comparative and experimental methods to explore a wide range of subjects on the biogeography, ecology and genetics of mammalian populations. My colleagues and I recently completed a series of studies on non-lethal ways to reduce the impact of over-abundant mammalian predators (i.e., raccoons and red foxes) on under-abundant threatened colonial and beach-nesting waterbirds on the Virginia barrier islands.


MS in Geospatial Analysis from the University of Mary Washington. Research interests include studying the environmental factors that drive the spatial characteristics of plants and animals across a landscape.


Allie, a Blandy Research Fellow, graduated in 2016 from Duke University with a B.S. in Environmental Sciences and a minor in Biology. Her past university lab research has explored positive marine species interactions, fish behavior in the changing habitats of Queensland, Australia, and the interplay between carbon sequestration and land use. Allie also served as a Stanback Agroecology Intern with the Union of Concerned Scientists studying the benefits of integrated crop-livestock systems and as an Intern with the National Pollution Prevention Roundtable, both in Washington, DC.


Kelcy double-majored in Biology with a concentration in conservation and Environmental Sciences at the University of Virginia and went on to complete a masters in coastal marine ecology and mangrove genetics with Jay Zieman and Howard Epstein at UVA. Her work focused on assessing genetic diversity in mangroves along the Gulf Coast, particularly noting range-expansion populations in comparison to historical, within-range populations, with possible future implications for habitat shifts in the black mangrove species along the Gulf.


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